Bridgepoint Sponsors TMA Regional Conference

Bridgepoint’s Business Turnaround and Restructuring Services (BTRS) practice is a proud sponsor of the Turnaround Management Association Regional Conference, coming up on April 6-8, 2011. This event will have 200 professionals who work with companies experiencing distress and change. Here’s a link to the Conference:
The Conference Speakers include bankruptcy Judges from around the Region; professionals involved in AIG; Texas Rangers bankruptcy; the Madoff ponzi scheme; the Lehman bankruptcy; and other notable experts in their field.
You think bankruptcy folks are a bunch of bores? Maybe so, but combine together golf, great dinners, camaraderie with other professional, and, oh yes, an open bar, and you may come out of there with some new deals!
While the economy is pulling out of the recession, we’re still actively working with a number of companies who are experiencing challenges because of over-leverage or the hangover effect of the business slowdown the last several years. And other companies are working in industries that haven’t bounced back.