Bridgepoint Goes Social

It’s official. Bridgepoint is a participant in the social mediaverse. Like so many other established companies, we’ve been thinking about social media a lot lately as we conduct our annual assessment of how efficiently we’re sharing insight with our clients, colleagues and friends.
So we poked around a little. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we like metrics and best practices. In fact, frequently the guest speakers at our popular Corporate Luncheon Series events, like our December event featuring Burston-Marsteller vice chairman, Karen Hughes, get the highest marks when they combine a mix of best practices with entertaining stories that are unique to their experience. Indeed, this recent study by Ms. Hughes’ powerhouse of a communications and PR firm, perked up some ears around here:
“Twitter is the social media platform of choice among the Fortune Global 100. The study found that 65 percent of the largest 100 international companies have active accounts on Twitter, 54 percent have a Facebook fan page, 50 percent have a YouTube channel, and one-third (33 percent) have corporate blogs. Only 20 percent of the major international companies are utilizing all four platforms to engage with stakeholders.”
As of this week, we’ve joined the ranks of companies, from global players to mid-market profit engines and niche small businesses, who are communicating with clients and peers through social media. While we aren’t in the YouTube business yet, we’d like to invite you to “friend” us on Facebook and “follow” us on Twitter. (We’ve got the lingo down already). In addition, with the launch of our new website you can read the ongoing discussion of best practices and advisory insights on our blog, right here. As always, you can also connect with us on LinkedIn.